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Warmachine - Lexicanum β


Warmachine-Hordes Lexicanum permitted material

Here is a list of all the material that's permitted to be posted on this Lexicanum. It's important that everyone reads it, so we avoid people working on elements that will then be deleted.

This table is agreed, and is now official.

Topic Permitted?
Information related to Warmachine-Hordes Yes, see below for details
Information related to Iron Kingdoms RPG Yes
Information related to videogames on Warmachine-Hordes (Example.: Warmachine Tactics) Depends on the information. Background relevant information yes, tactics and stuff for playing the game, no
Any information written in a language different from English No, only English in here. Please use the proper localized Lexicanum web site if present. Information contained in other language official PP publications: yes, with the right country-specific tag
Names of characters taken from novels Yes
Names of places/characters taken from novels Yes
Names of characters taken from rule books Yes
Names of places/characters taken from rule books Yes
Summary of novels/books/manuals content with your own words Yes
Spoilers on how a book/novel ends Yes if they have a "spoiler" flag.
Copy/paste of novels/books/manuals content No, no copy/ paste except for an overview of content and similar. Issue needs to be clarified for a definitive yes/no list.
Images taken from novels/books/manuals Yes if they have proper copyright disclaimer and if are not full scan of the novels/books/manuals. And if they are cropped to the relevant section of the picture. Other image rules regarding formating and such apply.
Full scans of novels/books/manuals No
Faction background information (story, names, places, ...) Yes
Army Organizations intended as list of troops/units. Yes, but those should NOT be organized in the way the Game does. For example "Tier List" is not permitted because is a game rule and not an army organization. A list based subdivided into for example Characters, Troops, Warjacks is not a problem, but should not look like game rules.
Armies special weapons and equipment (ex.: Magelock Pistol, Quake Hammer, Polarity Shield Spell,..) Yes , obviously without explaining their in-game effects but strictly describing how they work background wise
Unit special rules (like bonuses and tabletop mechanics: Black 13th has the "Snipe" special rule) No
Gameplay unit costs (Example.: Thorne: 8 points) No
Your own invented armies/chapters/characters No, those can be only mentioned in your personal pages. Only if you are a regular contributor and not excessively.
Images of your own painted minitures No, those can be only mentioned in your personal pages. Only if you are a regular contributor and not excessively.
Drawings made by you of PP characters, places, vehicles, battles. No, those can be only mentioned in your personal pages. Only if you are a regular contributor and not excessively.
Official images of PP miniatures, sprues Yes when available. If no official pictures are available we might permit privately taken pictures.
Official images of PP painted miniatures Yes if those are not full scans of a manual. And if they are cropped to the relevant section of the picture. Other image rules regarding formating and such apply. Also note that we normally prefer single miniature pictures instead of group pictures.
Detailed information on miniatures, like year of production, designer, material, rarity, packaging, ... Yes
No Quarter summary information, like table of contents and interesting articles Yes (as long as it's not a copy and paste of the article in question but a summary.)
No Quarter full articles, or big portions of articles No
No Quarter images and front cover Yes if they have proper copyright disclaimer and if are not full scan of the magazine
Information that belongs to previous editions of the Warmachine-Hordes universe (gamebooks, miniatures, names, places,...) Yes if those are properly tagged with the edition
Portals dedicated to a specific area (Miniatures portal, Cygnar portal...) Only after Sysop approval to avoid confusion and chaos
Prices of PP material/miniatures current or past Yes, but it should contain also country of origin and date of the price, like: $30, June 2005, USA.
Advertising for selling your own armies/miniatures/... No
